Understanding the Key Role Minerals Play to Support Your Body in Detox & Hydration With Caroline Alan Founder, BEAM Minerals
Jessica (00:01)
Welcome to the live lightly podcast. I'm your host Jessica Franklin and today I'm joined by Caroline Allen. the founder of BEAM minerals and we are going to explore minerals through the lens of detox because I like to talk a lot about toxins and how and why our bodies need to remove these toxins that we're exposed to on a daily basis and continuously not just
special detoxes, but all the time our bodies are detoxing and need to be supported and minerals are the foundation of this. And we're also going to explore the whole electrolyte situation and having to hydrate ourselves properly because water and hydration are also very foundational to all of our health, cellular health, cellular energy.
and of course supports our detox as well. So welcome Caroline. Thank you so much for being here today.
Caroline Alan (01:00)
It's a pleasure to be here, Jessica.
Jessica (01:02)
And before we get started on our conversation, how did you come to Minerals I just always love to hear,
people's story because I feel that that's really the foundation beneath why you're doing what you're doing.
Caroline Alan (01:17)
Yeah, well it's funny because people now call me the mineral geek and you but I didn't make that up. I just couldn't stop talking to just anyone who would listen about minerals and how foundational they are to health and how they had changed my health. So about 10 years ago,
Jessica (01:35)
Caroline Alan (01:38)
I was in a corporate career in the high tech world and I was in very ill health. I had really bad inflammation in my gut. had been gluten free for seven, eight years at that time, but still I was unable to get over the gut problems that I had ongoing. I had elimination issues. I had really bad inflammation in my mouth with receding gums and bone loss in my teeth, which had
really come on when I'd had children and then had gotten worse and worse over the years. And then I also had flatlined adrenals and I'd had flatlined adrenals for like two years and I worked with many different practitioners trying to find something that would bring my adrenal function back up.
I also, I just had regular sinus infections every season. I'd get another sinus infection, partly due to I had very intense mold exposure at one time in my earlier life, which continued to affect me. So about 10 years ago, I met my business partner and he introduced me to plant-based minerals, which we'll get into what plant-based minerals are. They're a little cup of liquid, tasted like water.
So it was like one ounce of liquid a day. I took it every day. About two months in, I went to my dentist to have my teeth cleaned, which usually I had to have novocaine It was very painful, lots of sensitivity, bleeding. And they cleaned my teeth and then there was very little bleeding, no, really no sensitivity. And then the dentist came in and looked at my mouth and she was just amazed. She's like, my goodness, what has happened? The pH in your mouth has totally changed.
Jessica (03:02)
Caroline Alan (03:28)
The tissue no longer looks red and inflamed. It's just pink and healthy. You didn't believe when you having your teeth cleaned what's going on. And I thought for a minute, was like, I think it might be these minerals. So she said, well, good. Just keep taking them. And then about four months in, I went to see my naturopath. And we had been working on my adrenals. At my last appointment, she had prescribed hydrocortisone, which is
very rare for a naturopath to prescribe. But she was like, this is getting critical. We need to really have an impact here. I never filled that prescription because I didn't want to take that. But we did the test. I went in to review the test results. And she looked down, and she was amazed. She's like, my gosh, look at this. Your adrenals are one third of the way up the chart. They have their natural sawtooth pattern in the proper.
you know, up and down that you should have during the day. Like, what are you doing? What did you do? And I said, you know, I think it might be these minerals I'm taking. So then I went through a season. didn't get a sinus infection like all these in my gut problems. They just over space about eight or nine months. These chronic symptoms that I was trying to handle one by one by one all started to resolve. And I kept talking to.
Jessica (04:49)
Hmm. Hmm.
Caroline Alan (04:54)
my friend Dan Howard and going, you what is it? Like, this is amazing. I changed nothing else. I didn't change my diet. I didn't change. I changed nothing else except for this. And he was like, yeah, these minerals, they're really amazing. So I started doing this research because I had huge questions about how this little cup of liquid could do what, you know, the thousands and thousands of dollars I'd spent on my health hadn't done. Yeah.
Jessica (05:01)
That is incredible. And I'm sure that you got down a rabbit hole and probably still haven't come up for air because there's so much. I actually found you.
and your message because I listen to lot of podcasts and I'm just always geeking out on anything that has to do with health and wellness and I heard you on one of my favorite podcasts and I was like, my God, wow, this is incredible information and why don't they teach this in school? It's just beyond me.
Caroline Alan (06:00)
You know, sometimes I say, yeah, it's really come to my mind recently as I've, I'm in the process of writing a book about this because this information so badly needs to come out to the mainstream. You know, I feel like this concept of minerals and mineral replenishment is, you know, 15, 20 years ago, nobody had heard of the gut microbiome and nobody had ever heard of probiotics. They were like, yeah, maybe I'm supposed to eat yogurt or something. You know, nobody, these things weren't talked about.
Jessica (06:12)
Caroline Alan (06:29)
And this is where we're at with minerals. The thing about minerals though is they are absolutely the foundation. They're the absolute foundation of health. And I say to people, you wouldn't buy a car and drive it if you didn't know where to put the gas.
Jessica (06:32)
Caroline Alan (06:47)
They are literally the fuel. the way I like to help people understand it is that your body, your entire body, and this, when I went down these rabbit holes, I just started researching, I kept going smaller. was like, okay, minerals, like how do they work in the body? Okay, well how do cells work? And then I got inside the cells and your entire body's made of cells. have like,
Jessica (06:49)
Caroline Alan (07:15)
Some people say between 70 and 150 trillion cells in your body, depending on your size. Some people say 37 trillion, but now they have stronger microscopes. now they can see that you actually have well more than that. So an inside of each cell are these energy generating units like power plants, and they're called mitochondria. And each mitochondria has a life cycle.
Jessica (07:21)
Caroline Alan (07:43)
let's call it a life cycle, it's called the citric acid cycle. But it's just, it's a set of processes that mitochondria goes through to generate units of energy in your body. And almost all of the energy in your body, like as I'm speaking, I'm moving my hands, I'm seeing you, I'm processing that information, all of that is requiring energy.
Jessica (08:09)
Caroline Alan (08:10)
Almost all of that energy is generated inside these mitochondria inside your cells and the fuel for those processes are two things amino acids and minerals. Now your body makes a lot of amino acids not all of them some of them you have to get from your food but it does make some the essential amino acids your body makes whereas your body makes absolutely no minerals
Jessica (08:15)
Caroline Alan (08:37)
and they all have to come in from the outside.
Jessica (08:40)
And if you're getting water that is nobody wants to drink from their tap anymore, hopefully, so you're filtering water, and I think that a lot of minerals get filtered out or you're doing maybe a process that definitely is filtering them out, such as reverse osmosis, which is great because it's filtering out all the really bad stuff too. And then minerals are added.
back to it sometimes and then from food like produce mostly fruit and vegetables.
Caroline Alan (09:08)
Yeah, you know, exactly. you know, I go to, let's say you go to Costco, or you go to Sam's Club or something, and everybody's putting those big things of bottled water into their, into their carts, right? And all of that water has no minerals, it has no minerals. So, and where we particularly what there's been a huge rise of issues with brain fog, fatigue,
Jessica (09:22)
Mm-hmm. You mean like plastic bottled water? Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (09:38)
cramping, and these are all mineral deficiency issues in children because parents don't want their kids to drink the tap water, understandably. They can't afford a good filtration system, so they're buying bottled water, and that's just water, so the other issue is food.
Jessica (09:42)
Caroline Alan (09:56)
So, and there are many people and I appreciate the idea that we should be able to get everything that we need from our food. Now, I am probably in the top five, 7 % of people in terms of my diet. I've always, because I have gluten intolerance, because I've just been a very health conscious person because I've had autoimmune and I've had health challenges. And still my mineral deficiency was acute.
Jessica (09:56)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Caroline Alan (10:26)
you see. So why is that? And this is a really interesting thing. I like people to really get it. So the way to think about this is if you look around your room, look at everything, everything around your room, it's all made of minerals. Minerals are the substrate of every substantial element in your body.
Jessica (10:34)
Caroline Alan (10:54)
and all around you, the chair, the table, the walls, the light, mean everything is made of minerals, okay. So in our soil we have minerals. The soil is made of minerals and microbes and there's all sorts of bacteria and all sorts of other things, but when you actually go down all the way to the base level of those microbes and bacteria they are also minerals, okay. All of the structure in the world is minerals. So
Jessica (11:05)
Caroline Alan (11:23)
When a plant grows in the soil, the way it creates, it grows up and the way it creates its structure is by sucking the minerals out of the soil. Whether it's a huge, you know, redwood tree or a small little pea shoot, it's taking the minerals out of the soil to create its structure. Now, in nature, what happens is those things grow up and then they die and they decompose and all that mineral content goes back into the soil.
Jessica (11:33)
Caroline Alan (11:53)
And that's the natural way of things. But we in our infinite wisdom, we cultivate. we grow things in soil, plants in soil. We take those plants away. And then we use the plants or eat the plants over there away. And those minerals never get back into the soil. so as a result, we've been cultivating in the same soil. Even your backyard organic garden will have the same issue. Your mineral, your soil will get mineral depleted.
Jessica (11:55)
Caroline Alan (12:21)
over time unless you learn how to amend that soil properly. And, you know, there are ways that people are learning how to amend soil properly to get some minerals back in, but it's the challenge is it's very expensive. So in the production farming world, they don't want to do that. And then plus in the production farming world, they're also using things like glyphosate to kill the weeds, which also kill the microbes and, you know, the bacteria that
Jessica (12:35)
Caroline Alan (12:49)
beneficial bacteria. So the food that we have is substantially less nutrient dense than in our grandfather's time. So they say today you'd have to eat like seven apples to get the same nutrient quantity that you got from an apple that your grandfather ate.
Jessica (13:09)
Wow, so that's how many you would have to eat to get all of the same minerals from that piece of fruit. It's impossible.
Caroline Alan (13:11)
Yeah. So it's impossible. We actually created this whole algorithm for the book about it so you could really get a sense of how much you'd have to eat to get the amount of minerals that your body needs on a daily basis. it's not just four or five or six minerals. It's like 22 minerals that your body, like essential minerals. And there's a whole bunch of other micronutrients that they know exist in your body, but they haven't really determined.
what they're for. Yeah.
Jessica (13:45)
Hmm, that's interesting. Yeah, it's usually you hear about minerals in forms of one, right? Like, you might need some magnesium because you're having trouble sleeping or you're sick, take a little zinc to support you until you feel better. And if you are dehydrated, take some electrolytes and that's a mixture of a handful of different minerals.
Caroline Alan (14:08)
Yeah, so well, there are, there's like the founding, what I'll call the basic minerals, which if you think of, you know, in your high school you learned the periodic table, you know, and it's got a listing of all these letters that are together in each one of those are like minerals in their base level. So when I talk about minerals being the substrate of everything, though, that's what I'm talking about.
Jessica (14:18)
Caroline Alan (14:29)
this is why no one's talking about minerals, I've spent a lot of time in the supplement aisles.
at health food stores and grocery stores, talking to people who, because I really want to know like what are people thinking? What do they know? What do they not know? I needed to talk to people, buying calcium, buying magnesium, buying zinc, buying potassium, buying, you know, whatever it is, you know, chromium, selenium, on and on and on. And asking them what did they, what do you, what do you think you need?
Jessica (14:38)
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (15:03)
Do know what that comes from? And do you know how it's going to work in your body? The thing is doctors know nothing about minerals. They know maybe if you're having a heart attack that you need some potassium or magnesium or something. It's like very, very gross level. The thing people really need to get about, because it's very confusing if we get into
Jessica (15:20)
Caroline Alan (15:29)
the details. What you need to understand is that your body is an ecosystem. It works a lot like a forest. A forest that's really healthy. There's all the nutrients in the soil. There's fresh water coming through. There's enough rain. There's enough sunlight. It's not too like dense. It's like there's there's space. There's clean air coming through.
Jessica (15:31)
Caroline Alan (15:57)
And when your body has all of these natural foundational elements, it operates in what we call balance. You'll hear this word homeostasis. It's like a natural balance. And then let's say you are in some place where there's someone who's sick and they show up.
Jessica (16:11)
Caroline Alan (16:22)
And your body says, yeah, no, let's marshal our forces. Let's get rid of that. Because it's in such a natural balance that when this thing shows up from the outside, or let's say it's a toxic substance, some glyphosate, or let's say it's something else, lead, then your body says, yeah, we need to get rid of that. We need to get rid of that. And it has enough energy to do everything. The main problem that we have is that because we are so mineral deficient,
Jessica (16:37)
Caroline Alan (16:52)
this is all modern people across the earth. Maybe somebody who's foraging in the Amazon basin might not be, but I just actually read an article that chimpanzees in Malaysia have started eating bat guano.
Jessica (16:55)
Caroline Alan (17:16)
because the plants that they used for their mineral supplementation have been totally destroyed in that ecosystem. So now they're eating bat guano, which is actually a really bad thing. So across the earth, this issue of mineral depletion has become an important thing, but you can't look at it like, okay, well, I'm gonna go down to the store and I'm gonna buy calcium and magnesium and potassium and zinc.
Jessica (17:26)
Hmm. Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (17:46)
and selenium and chromium and iodine and molybdenum and vanadium and boron and now I'm going to take pills. know, because first of all, how would you know what your body needed? Now, the beautiful thing about your body is it actually knows what it needs, when it needs it, where it needs it. And all you have to do is learn how to get it into your body in a way that's extremely
Jessica (17:54)
Right. Yeah.
Caroline Alan (18:14)
bioavailable and bioavailable means that's very easily digested, easily absorbed through your gut lining into your bloodstream and easily assimilated or transported into the cells because that's where those mitochondria are. They're inside the cells.
Jessica (18:16)
So can you go a little bit into, that was beautiful by the way, thank you. Yeah, a little bit more into detail about the detox and the importance of.
Caroline Alan (18:49)
Yeah. Yeah.
Jessica (18:50)
these minerals for that process. And I've also heard you talk a lot about like the glyphosate and speaking to that part as well, because we all have it, even if we're eating organic food, we're not eating organic 100 % of the time if we ever go out or ever go to any parties or even it's just in our rain now. So yeah.
Caroline Alan (19:14)
You can't get away from glyphosate. Here's the thing. There's lots of types of minerals. Let's talk about where minerals come from. When you go down to the store and you buy a bottle of calcium pills, chances are those are ground up cow bones.
Jessica (19:17)
Caroline Alan (19:39)
So it's bone, same with potassium. Magnesium is usually salt, some form of salt. So you go through all of these different forms and they mostly come.
Jessica (19:39)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (19:57)
from materials that your gut does not digest well. When you're eating and you get a piece of shell, lot of calcium, some calcium comes from shell also. So if you're eating and you get a piece of shell or bone or rock in your mouth, you spit it out because you know you don't digest that well, right? Now these are ground down really small, but this is one of my huge ahas that I had when I was studying
Jessica (20:05)
Caroline Alan (20:28)
The way this works in your gut. let's say I take a pill of 240 milligrams of
calcium. Okay. And it goes down in my gut, it's made of bone and my body starts with some enzymes and so and I start digesting it. Now the way your gut works is the entire lining of your gut is lined with these cells. They're called epithelial cells and each or well actually let's start even bigger is they're lined with these things called veli and they look like fingers. They're just thick and there's
like 250,000 per square inch. So there's a lot of them. And each one of these epithelial cells is lined, excuse me, these Veli are lined with epithelial cells. And each one of the cells are lined with these receptor sites. And the receptor sites are kind of like catcher's mitts. I like to think of them like catcher's mitts.
Jessica (21:09)
Caroline Alan (21:27)
But the thing about it is it's not like anything that hits one of those catcher's mitts gets brought into the bloodstream. No. There are a certain amount of magnesium receptor sites and certain amount of potassium receptor sites and certain amount of zinc receptor sites. So you can put a huge amount of calcium into your gut.
Jessica (21:52)
Caroline Alan (21:52)
but how much is actually gonna be absorbed into your bloodstream has to do with number one, how are your digestive enzymes gonna break down that substance? What's the health of your gut microbiome?
So that's the first stage. And then the second is how is the lining of your gut? If you have SIBO or IBS or you have any gut inflammation, gut lining inflammation, you may have trouble absorbing at all because you may have fewer receptor sites. first, this element of calcium has to be digested all the way down to its base form. They call it its ionic.
Jessica (22:18)
Caroline Alan (22:35)
into its ionic, completely dissolved form, and then it has to hit one of these calcium receptor sites. And then that receptor site goes, yep, that's calcium, let's let it in. And then it's absorbed into your bloodstream. That's a very, that's a oversimplification, it works. One of the things that I've done over the years is try to explain these things and gone back to like the cellular biologists and say, you know, I need to simplify this, does this make sense? And they're like, yep.
Jessica (22:36)
Caroline Alan (23:05)
that works. So the important thing to note is that when I take that 250 milligrams of calcium and I throw it in my gut, what's actually happening is that my body, my gut microbiome is thrown into imbalance. So let's think of it this way. Remember how we talked about the forest? The forest, it's in perfect ecosystem balance, everything's thriving, the plants are just
Jessica (23:07)
Right, yes.
Caroline Alan (23:33)
popping up out of the ground and now we're going to go take a wheelbarrow full of calcium and we're going to throw it on the floor of that forest, which is you putting the pill into your gut. that forest, that area says, this is too much. This is this is we need some things to balance this calcium. This is way whoa, whoa, whoa. And the plants struggle, maybe even die in some cases. Like there's lots of micro
Jessica (23:44)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (24:01)
organisms and things that are going to not thrive in that concentration of that particular mineral. this is the short story is that we have to think about mineral replenishment completely differently and it's beautiful because it begins to make us realize that we can't just be affecting our body. We have to have a relationship with it and we have to treat it like the ecosystem that it is. So when we put things in,
Jessica (24:07)
Caroline Alan (24:31)
We need to put them in in balance. If you have a little sugar, it's OK. But if you eat six candy bars, it's probably going to send you into insulin shock. Yeah.
Jessica (24:33)
Yeah, yeah. And it's a crazy because, you know, that makes me think of, well, a lot of women are told to take calcium at different stages of their life, especially older women as they age.
Caroline Alan (24:57)
So we're really talking about is that minerals, they work in balanced pairs and triumvorents and quads. So for women who are using magnesium for sleep as an example, particularly for aging women, I don't recommend it as maybe using it once in a while, but if you're using it on a daily basis, this is my cautionary tale.
Jessica (25:05)
Mm. Mm-hmm.
That's a great example.
Caroline Alan (25:22)
So I work with some very elite trainers of aging triathletes.
and they came to me and they said what do we do our athletes are experiencing osteopenia and osteoporosis and I said and they've been taking a lots of electrolytes for years magnesium and potassium in particular and what happens when you use large amounts of magnesium and potassium on a regular basis your body has to balance that and the way it balances is it it balances those large quantities of magnesium and and potassium
Jessica (25:37)
Caroline Alan (25:58)
is by pulling calcium and phosphorus from your bones, from other places in your body. So you really want to learn how to get minerals into your body in a balanced form. that's what these plant-based minerals that I am out here in the world explaining to people about do.
Jessica (25:58)
Caroline Alan (26:21)
they the beautiful thing about plant-based minerals is that they represent all of the minerals your body needs in the natural ratios that your body needs them in an extremely bioavailable format.
Jessica (26:30)
Caroline Alan (26:41)
So rather than going to grocery store, the health food store and buying 10 pill bottles that are just going to create havoc in your gut or drinking a whole bunch of salt-based electrolytes or even using, there's the big movement with salt in your water. The thing that I want people to understand is that your digestive tract is a freshwater system.
Jessica (26:55)
Caroline Alan (27:09)
It's not that your body doesn't need salt. It certainly needs salt in fairly large quantities relative to other minerals. But your digestive tract is a freshwater system. Just go put a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water and drink it and see how it makes you feel. It will make you feel queasy because your gut says no can do. This is not good. So.
Jessica (27:11)
Caroline Alan (27:33)
You don't, so using salt-based electrolytes, they were really designed for emergency situations when people were having acute electrolyte imbalance. I mean, they're gonna fall over, they're having heat stroke or something like that for athletes, intense athletes, and also for the military. They're not meant to be used on a regular basis for replenishment of your ecosystem.
Jessica (27:45)
And I find that so crazy because even naturopath and functional practitioners will say, take an electrolyte. Let's make sure you're very hydrated. And I just, I don't like the electrolyte powder supplements either.
I'm not a triathlete. I'm not a marathon runner. And yeah, if, if I'm throwing up or something, maybe I need to do something right in that moment.
Caroline Alan (28:30)
But even then, even then, even then you'd be better off to drink some plant-based fulvic minerals than the salt base. So what happens to your system when you use salt-based electrolytes on a regular basis is you start to urinate more. absolutely will make you urinate more. So what you're doing is you're irrigating. You're not hydrating.
Jessica (28:40)
Caroline Alan (28:56)
Irrigation is when they throw a whole bunch of water on the field and most of it runs off. Hydration is when they have those soaker things underneath the soil that are actually soaking in to where the roots of the plants are. That's what you want to do with your body. You want to the minerals into your body and then the water you drink, the demineralized water will actually have a place to land to hook up to.
Jessica (29:01)
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (29:26)
in this ionic process. And then that water will actually get into your cells because what is hydration? It's actually getting that water into your cells. If you're drinking salt-based electrolytes all the time, and I work with so many, we work with so many athletes and trainers who struggle with feeling depleted because they're constantly.
Jessica (29:33)
Caroline Alan (29:49)
hitting their body at such a high level and then they're drinking, using lots of electrolytes. They come to us, they have terrible cramping, they feel depleted and they feel dehydrated all the time. And then they start using these plant-based minerals. I mean, we have people who go to tournaments, like a tennis tournament. This one guy, he's a tennis pro. He's like the third in the country in his age class. And he comes off the field, I mean, off of the court and he's not,
Jessica (29:51)
Caroline Alan (30:18)
know flagging he's not cramping everybody's looking like what are you doing you know how can this be everybody's like you know and he's like it's just BEAM minerals so it's it's really markedly different
Jessica (30:22)
I would like to ask you right now, the water that we're using is that we're purchasing reverse osmosis, filling up three gallon glass receptacles. And we're buying the one that has been balanced to 9.5 pH, alkaline, and also the minerals have been added back in. Is that unnecessary?
Caroline Alan (31:04)
Yeah, I would actually ask them what minerals are in there. You know, what I actually, we have reverse osmosis water and we drink that and what we do is we, you we have of course lots of access to minerals, but we just use our electrolyzed product, which is the fulvic product. And we just per like five, we have a five gallon receptacle and per.
Jessica (31:07)
Caroline Alan (31:27)
five gallon receptacle, we'll put like a half a cup of electrolyze in there, which is plenty to just do that low level. It's like you would get in a tap water. mean, old years ago, or maybe a well water, let's say well water, okay.
Jessica (31:42)
Right. What if you're taking it daily?
Caroline Alan (31:49)
Yeah, so I mean, this is the thing is you don't really need to do that if you're taking it daily. If you're taking our products daily, you don't really have to remineralize your water. However, when I fill up a glass, you know, I just pop a little bit in there, just a little splash of both of our minerals, because now I definitely know the water that's going in is having great access.
Jessica (32:00)
I definitely want to get into your products and how they're, because you have different, a couple of different products and how they're used individually or just how to properly take them to be the most effective. Would you take, because I know one is a little bit more geared towards hydration and electrolytes.
Caroline Alan (32:34)
Yeah, that's the electrolyze.
Jessica (32:36)
Okay, and then there's one that's a little bit more geared towards, detox.
Caroline Alan (32:41)
detoxification really.
so most minerals that you take that are made from rocks, shells, bones, or salts,
And most, if you have a multi-mineral, most multi-mineral products will be lab formulated, which is basically taking this powder and that powder and that powder and throwing them together and mixing them up.
And I always recommend if you're going to use a supplement to ask for the certificate of analysis, because then you can really see everything that's in that product. So that's.
Jessica (33:11)
So those multi-mineral products are just being like taking from all those different sources and putting it into one. Okay.
Caroline Alan (33:19)
Yes, exactly. Yes, exactly. So the difference. So our products are made from a natural substance, and this natural substance is called humate, and it's a black crystalline substance. Now, what is it? It's actually ancient decomposed rainforests. So think 65 million years ago.
when the dinosaurs walked the earth and a meteor hit the Yucatan and it killed 75 percent of all life on earth in a few hours. And all of those rainforests died and decomposed into this mineral rich layer of soil, like we could call it soil.
Jessica (33:56)
Caroline Alan (34:08)
And this, there's different substances around the world. So in the Himalayas, they had lots of rainforest. They have Shilajit, or Shilajit, some people call it that. And then in the UK or the British Isles, they have something called peat from the bogs.
Jessica (34:17)
Caroline Alan (34:28)
and in the Amazon basin they have something called black soil and then in North America we have something called humate and humate is this it's incredibly rich black crystalline substance. So this substance has inside it these two incredible molecules and these molecules only come from decomposition of freshwater plants.
Jessica (34:57)
Caroline Alan (34:57)
So that means if you're using sea moss or you're using salt water, kelp or
Chlorella, all those things, Spiralina. So all those things are great sources of balanced minerals, but they don't have these amazing additional capacities that humic and fulvic have. So this is the really, really cool thing about plant-based. These are called plant-based minerals. First of all, what I say is that they were designed by Mother Nature.
Jessica (35:05)
Mm-hmm, spirulina. Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (35:32)
to support all cellular life on the planet. So when cells were single-celled organisms and then multi-celled organisms and then little bacteria and different things started to grow,
Jessica (35:36)
Caroline Alan (35:51)
There had to be a way to get minerals into the cells. And that's what humic and fulvic, there also had to be a way to keep them safe from toxins, from concentrations of sulfur or whatever that was around that would keep those cells from thriving. So these humic and fulvic, as I call them, mother nature's mineral replenishment and detoxification technology.
Jessica (35:55)
Caroline Alan (36:20)
So how they work is this. So inside this humate material are these two molecules. One is called humic and humic actually incorporates fulvic. We actually pull the fulvic out so now you have these two separate molecules and we do that for reason because these are tools that you can use. So I'm going to talk about the fulvic first.
Jessica (36:31)
Caroline Alan (36:48)
The fulvic is this amazing intercellular transporter. It greatly enhances uptake of nutrients into the cell. It's like if you're in a room right now and you have a door.
And there's a guy outside the door and he's got a really big backpack and he's going to fill it full of all the good stuff that you need today. And he's going to bring it in and he's going to dump the backpack out on your table. So you've got you don't ever have to leave the room. You just there it is. I need this. I want this now. I know I'm going to have that. It's all available. But then he's not done. He also walks around. He's like, there's a wrapper. there's some paper. there's some detritus. So there's some toxins. there's some waste. Let's get rid of all that.
He fills his backpack up with that stuff and carries it out of the room. So this fulvic molecule, the cool thing about it is it carries with it a full spectrum of all the minerals you need in those natural ratios, and it's a delivery system for those minerals into the cell. So when you instead, let's say you have some salt-based electrolyte drink, know?
Jessica (37:39)
Caroline Alan (38:02)
Yeah, it might get digested and a certain amount of it gets into your bloodstream, but how much of it actually gets into your cells?
Jessica (38:07)
Caroline Alan (38:11)
So lots of people go and have blood tests and they say, I've got so much electrolytes. I'm like, but they're flagging. You know, they're struggling. Their skin isn't healthy. They've got lots of symptoms of deficiency. Even though their bloodstream has a lot, it's not getting into the cells. And remember the minerals don't do much for you. There's only a few that do anything for you unless they get inside the cells.
Jessica (38:24)
Right, they have to get inside the cell, not just in your blood, which is easy. And water as well. Water has to be carried into the cell with minerals, correct?
Caroline Alan (38:42)
Exactly. They have to get all the way inside and water as well. Exactly. So this is exactly what I'm saying. So imagine without that guy in the backpack, every time you need to get something, you have to get up, go outside your room, go to the fridge, look for it, come back, sit down. It's one by one by one. But if you've got fulvic, it's like having all these
Jessica (39:06)
Caroline Alan (39:10)
guys with backpacks ready to bring it in to bring us any and the beautiful thing is that your cell lining which is kind of like us it's like you can close and lock your door sometimes if there's something out there you don't want to come in and that's so the cell lining is like the doors and windows that you can close if you don't want something to come in
Jessica (39:21)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
if the cell has enough of it, it won't take more in. Is that?
Caroline Alan (39:29)
That's correct. If the cell has enough of it, it will not take any more in.
In fact, that's all of the way that this traveling between, you know, in and out of your cells, the guy in the backpack, you he looks and he's like, she's got enough. OK, we're not going in, you know, because your body won't carry it in. Your body has these amazing, miraculous ways of constantly working to maintain balance inside the cells, outside the cells. It's it's incredible when you start studying it. So but what you want to do is provide all these
Jessica (39:38)
Caroline Alan (40:07)
minerals in these natural ratios in this extremely easy way to get into the cells. So that's the first thing. We call it nutrient uptake, the enhancement of nutrient uptake.
What I eat in the morning, I sit down, I have my eggs, and I'm not vegan, but so I eat eggs and bacon, and good organic bacon, still. And now all the nutrition that I've eaten is now actually becoming the nutrients and the elements that can enter my cells and generate energy. Here is the data point that people need to know.
Jessica (40:29)
Caroline Alan (40:51)
if you are not finding a way.
to supplement minerals in a bioavailable form, chances are your body is operating at 40 % or less of the energy that it needs to do just normal function. I'm not talking about optimized function. I'm talking about just normal function. So if your body doesn't have enough energy, can't generate enough energy, it says, yeah, we don't really need hair.
Jessica (41:10)
day to day.
Hmm. Interesting.
Caroline Alan (41:25)
gonna lose a little hair. yeah eyebrows, nah, know, you know we don't need nails either really that's not important. You know and skin well you know and then that inflammation that you've got in the gut well okay we'll just do the best we can with it but we don't have enough energy to totally clear it. So you have to find a way to give your body that's why I say it's like you can't just put the cup
Jessica (41:32)
Caroline Alan (41:52)
of fuel in your cup holder in your car you have to get it into the tank.
Jessica (41:54)
Caroline Alan (42:00)
You have to get it into the place where it can flow through to the spark plugs and where it can actually create that combustion.
Jessica (42:08)
And when your body has this, the minerals, then it has the energy and the cells have the energy to perform and to do what they need to do on a daily basis to bring the toxins out and to bring the water in and to heal the leaky gut and to create balance in the body so that there's no more inflammation. Is that right?
Caroline Alan (42:18)
Exactly. And so let's talk about toxicity because you know this is a big issue you know beyond inflammation. Well let's just talk about environmental toxins that come in and what does your body do with them when it especially when it doesn't have enough energy or even ability to remove the toxins it stores them and mostly where does it store it in your fats okay in your fat cells. So
Jessica (42:39)
It is.
Caroline Alan (43:03)
Here's the beautiful thing about the other molecule. So we talked about fulvic. It's that intercellular transporter carrying nutrients in and carrying bio-wasted toxins out of the cells. Now what it does, this is the amazing thing about the fulvic molecule is it has the ability to drop those toxins and bio-waste off in your bloodstream. Now that is a really good thing.
Jessica (43:17)
Caroline Alan (43:32)
because otherwise the only way for you to get rid of those toxins in your fat cells is to lose weight. And then when, and that's why a lot of people when they start doing keto or they start losing weight, they start feeling sick because their body is releasing the toxins that were stored in their fat cells into their bloodstream. So this humic molecule is absolutely phenomenal.
Jessica (43:48)
Caroline Alan (43:58)
I like to imagine it like a Velcro ball. So it's got a huge amount of surface area on the outside and it's extremely sticky because it's one of the strongest electrolyte molecules known to man. What it does is it travels through the bloodstream and it gathers bio waste, toxins, heavy metals, things like glyphosate.
things like senescent cells, some people call them zombie cells, they cause a lot of oxidative stress in the body. And it gathers those and it chemically binds to them. There's a word for it called adsorbs. So it keeps those things from getting reabsorbed into your body.
Jessica (44:29)
Caroline Alan (44:45)
And then at a certain point, imagine this ball, it's got all these things clinging to it. gets so heavy that it falls out of solution. Like if you put something in your glass and then you slowly see it, now it's down on the bottom of your glass. That's what happens with it. It falls out of solution and it leaves your body through all of the elimination channels. Now, with most detox protocols,
Jessica (44:45)
Caroline Alan (45:10)
They talk about needing to have certain pathways open before you can do those because it can clog your liver, clog your kidney, things like that. The beautiful thing about the humic, and you can imagine this because in nature it has to just work. It can't have certain circumstances. It just has to work. Otherwise cellular life would not have thrived. So it will use every single detoxification channel in your body, including
Jessica (45:20)
Caroline Alan (45:41)
your tears, your snot, sneezing, your sweat, your breath. Just every time you rub your hands together, cells are sloughing off the bottoms of your feet. Of course, it will also use the standard ones of your urine and feces. what it does is it makes it possible to detox even when you either don't want to go through a major detoxification protocol
Jessica (45:42)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Caroline Alan (46:07)
or your body can't even get to a detoxification protocol.
Jessica (46:13)
I've always been afraid of detox because of that. I don't want to do it wrong. I don't want to cause damage to my liver or my kidneys or my brain.
Caroline Alan (46:28)
It's important to think of it that way.
Jessica (46:30)
Right, because...
I did have someone tell me you don't want to just willy nilly do a detox on your own with detox supplements or whatever that, you know, you find on the shelves at the store because it could be dangerous. And so I've always been very cautious, but at the same time, I really am aware that we need to. And so then I just kind of feel like a deer in the headlights. Well, what do I do? I know I need to sweat. I know I need to move my, you know, because then my
can do its thing. But then when I found out that the minerals were like this is a foundational thing not only for so many different parts of our system to form and to function, but also you know it's just this foundational part of detox
Caroline Alan (46:59)
Yeah, and what I'll tell you is if you have, you know, I personally have dealt with intense mold toxicity. So if you have a major issue like that, you may need to do some sort of protocol to overall lower your toxic load. And absolutely, you need to do that with a practitioner. And I personally have had I've had experience of doing that without the proper support and it was
Jessica (47:22)
Caroline Alan (47:43)
absolute hell. So I would not recommend it to anyone, you know. But the problem with detox protocols is as soon as you're done with a protocol, you immediately are still, you know, every day you wake up and you're encountering glyphosate and lead and carbon monoxide and on and on, right, everywhere. So you're, you're, you can't get away from toxins at this point. So
Jessica (47:47)
Caroline Alan (48:08)
better to give your body the tools so that it can just constantly be removing the detritus and the bio-waste and those toxins. So one of the things about glyphosate, so many people are very concerned as they should be about glyphosate.
Jessica (48:18)
Absolutely. Yeah.
Caroline Alan (48:26)
And the beautiful thing about humic is it is one of the main things, all of the detox protocols that related to glyphosate use humic. It is one of the most effective tools for lowering glyphosate toxicity. It is absolutely. So years ago, I had a...
Jessica (48:46)
Wow. And what about heavy metals?
Caroline Alan (48:55)
She's a world renowned heavy metal toxicity specialist and people go to her when they really have issues. She's from China, which is one of the main places they have such a problem with heavy metal toxicity. She called me, she's like, I want to talk to you. I'm like, and she said, no, I want you to know that your products are the only ones that have been able.
Jessica (49:05)
Caroline Alan (49:15)
with my, I use so many different protocols and I've never been able to move the dial around mercury and lead at all to speak of. And it has made, it is the main thing that has finally been able to move the dial and lower the mercury and lead toxicity levels in her patients. Yeah. That's the, yes, that's our microboost product. the other thing that I say is, you know,
Jessica (49:34)
And that's the humic.
Caroline Alan (49:44)
It's got to be easy. it's just not sustainable to do a major, to live on one of these kind of detox protocols. You know, nobody's going to do it. I'm very committed to my health. I won't do it. I, you know, I might just, I'm like 30 day, I'll do something for 30 days. If I really feel a difference, I'll, maybe I'll keep going.
Jessica (49:52)
Caroline Alan (50:06)
But 30 days, if I don't really feel the effect, it's gone. It ends up in what I call the graveyard, the supplement graveyard. So that's the other beautiful thing is that nature has made it so easy for us. All we have to do is use ecosystem tools for our ecosystem.
Jessica (50:15)
I agree. We've complicated it way too much, over complicated all of it. There's just so much that I think is excess and not necessary for day to day
if you asked me what is one thing that you think you should do every day, I would say this now. I really would.
Caroline Alan (50:51)
You know, it's absolutely true. You know, I've spent a fair amount of time on panel discussions with lots of different health experts that work in different either silos because they're, a heart expert or they're, you know, a circulatory system expert or something like that, or else they have a particular product like a, a spirulina or they have, you know, different products. And
It's so interesting because when I'm on those panels, by the end of the panel, every single panel, by the end, everyone's saying, well, yes, they're talking about their expertise and they're saying, but it's the minerals. Without the minerals, this will do nothing. So think about being able to take this foundational supplement that's going to support all your other supplementation, all your other nutrition, all your other detoxification. It just helps everything.
Jessica (51:29)
Such a wonderful point that if you are taking a few other things that are important for your particular protocol at this time, this is just the one thing to do to give yourself that foundation for great cellular health and everything else will work that much better. Kids, let's talk about that.
Caroline Alan (52:01)
And particularly for kids. Yes. for the mothers out there, I just want to say if there's nothing else, even if you can't get your kid to take a vitamin, you can live without vitamins for a long time, but not without minerals. If your kid is struggling in school, even with things like ADHD,
Jessica (52:08)
Caroline Alan (52:25)
We've had, there are amazing stories that we have heard of kids with real behavioral issues, with hyperactivity, ADHD, other kinds, all sorts of different things, and just providing this full spectrum minerals. And the beautiful thing is it's pretty easy to give these to kids because they're liquid and they taste like water. So they don't even know they're taking them if you need to hide it. But lots of kids, once they know it's going to taste like water, they're like, yeah, sure.
Jessica (52:46)
So easy.
Caroline Alan (52:54)
pop it in, pop it down. If your kids are playing sports, throw that, put that electrolyze in their water bottle instead of having them have Gatorade.
Jessica (52:54)
Yep, it is the easiest.
my gosh, that's the last thing you want to do is sugar them up and add in all of those dyes and terrible, chemicals and stuff to add to their toxic load. Now their body has the burden of all of that and the spiking glucose and it's just, my gosh, it's maddening.
Caroline Alan (53:19)
Jessica (53:27)
My son is now almost 14 and when he was in baseball, the coaches would sometimes bring them Gatorades. It's almost like a treat. I don't know if you, I want to say treat, but a reward, I guess you would call it. Here, here at the end of practice, here's a 20 ounce Gatorade and the kid is like three feet tall. It's just crazy.
Caroline Alan (53:42)
Jessica (53:54)
But you're right, it is so easy for them to take. It's liquid, it does barely taste like anything, and on top of that, there's no sugar in it. So it's just the easiest thing to get into them.
Caroline Alan (54:05)
One of the important things about it, having no flavor, and you can put it in any drink, you can put a hot drink, cold drink, you can put it your food. One of the cool things about it, having no flavor though, is that it requires no digestion. Anything with a flavor requires it to go through your entire digestive track. The cool thing about our electrolyze product is it starts absorbing in your mouth, in your throat.
Jessica (54:16)
Caroline Alan (54:37)
It's such a small molecule, it absorbs through any tissue that it touches. So it doesn't rely on having those healthy gut enzymes and digestive tract, because it'll absorb through any tissue that it touches. That's a really, really cool thing. Yeah.
Jessica (54:52)
That's, that is very cool. And this is also great for immune system too. I mean, it's literally great for everything. I mean, if we were to talk about everything that minerals are supporting, we'd be here literally all day, but like thyroid health and immune system, right? I mean, just these things that I think people are struggling so much with.
Caroline Alan (55:06)
Yeah, if you just give your body, what I say is it's really easy. Feed the cells, fuel the body.
Jessica (55:25)
Hmm. That is a beautiful place to maybe wrap up because you have shared a lot of wisdom and I think you did it in a way that's super easy to relate to and understand.
Caroline Alan (55:30)
Jessica (55:40)
Is there anything else that you'd like to add because I mean may wrap up on our conversation I would love for you to share about where you think people should begin What products you have and where where do people begin? I know I got the two products the blue bottle in the green bottle and we take those every day and I love them and I will be it will be a part of my protocol from here on out
Caroline Alan (55:59)
Great. Yes, we have what we call our advanced set. It includes our microboost product, which is the humic product, and our electrolyze product, which is the fulvic. And the electrolyze is called next generation hydration. Remember to remind you, this is the one that I'm to put in my water bottle. This is the one that's going to enhance that nutrient uptake.
Jessica (56:15)
Caroline Alan (56:31)
And then the micro boost, is really about full spectrum minerals and that gentle continuous detoxification. You take half an ounce every day of each, which is a half cap full of each and you're done. Unless you're an athlete or you have some other acute needs, you should not need any other minerals. You can take all those pills and put them in the cupboard.
Jessica (56:39)
Perfect. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Yes, I love that and so easy. And so where can we find you and continue to just stay connected to your information and where to buy the minerals?
Caroline Alan (56:57)
Yeah, you can find us at beamminerals.com. We're also on Amazon. Of course, you'll get them less expensively on our site, but I also understand some people like to purchase through Amazon, so you can do it there as well.
Jessica (57:12)
Very simple.
Yeah, you can maybe get your first batch a little bit more quickly. I don't know if it comes more quickly through Amazon. And then after that, you can do it through your site. Yeah, I think I didn't wait very long. I've just gotten used to like, if I'm ordering something, I'm ordering it directly from the company. I've tried to cut out the middleman as much as possible because then the company benefits more that way.
Caroline Alan (57:30)
Yeah, probably. Maybe. Ours is pretty quick.
Jessica (57:51)
because you are a self-owned business, you're not a big corporation, and so if you can wait the extra few days you will save money and you can do an auto ship so that you don't even really have to think about when to reorder and how many days it's gonna take. You just put it on the auto ship and get it right before you run out. That's the easiest way to do it.
Caroline Alan (57:58)
Yeah, that works really well too. Jessica, it's so nice to spend this time with you. I really appreciate your offering to host me so I can get the message out to more people.
Jessica (58:16)
Yes, that is what it's all about is raising awareness and helping each other share the messages that we have And also all the moms out there supporting as many as possible.
with this information to make things a little less stressful and a little bit more simple. So thank you, Caroline.
Caroline Alan (58:49)
Thank you so much.